Greetings to my NeASFAA Colleagues!
Greetings to my NeASFAA Colleagues!
by Lani Swanson on October 27, 2011
Greetings to my NeASFAA Colleagues!
It is already October and do you find yourself wondering where Summer and Fall went?! I have been busy with NeASFAA meetings as well as the NASFAA conference this summer and last week I was in Missoula for RMASFAA Board Meetings. I am disappointed that I was unable to stay for the conference. However, the Higher Learning Commission was at Doane College for re-accreditation so my Doane duties prevailed.
Part of the reason time has flown by is because many of us have had to focus our attention on implementing new regulations such as new Satisfactory Academic Progress rules, R2T4 rules for modular programs, and Gainful Employment rules. (Personally I am thankful that Doane College is currently exempt from the GE rules)!
With networking and training becoming more and more important for many of us, I’m proud to update everyone how our NeASFAA colleagues will be assisting in that venture. I hope to see all of you at some time during the year! Know that I send my best to you and your office as we start thinking ahead to the 2012-2013 school year.
Here are a few things that the NeASFAA Board has been working on since we met this summer:
Association Governance:
The most obvious one in which you all participated was changing the NeASFAA Bylaws to define a member institution. As was recommended by the Community College Sector, the Board recommended that we use the definition which NASFAA uses. This was well received by the association and passed. Our Association Governance Committee is in the process of revising the Bylaws to reflect the definition.
Finance & Audit:
The Finance & Audit committee is in the process of reviewing our Reserve policy and our investment policy. The committee is reviewing the Bylaws and determining what is the adequate amount for cash reserves for NeASFAA to meet its obligations. In addition, if the association has reserves in excess of the amount determined by Finance & Audit, are there types of investments that would allow the association a greater return on investment. The committee is reviewing if we are investing safely and obtaining an adequate return.
The communications committee is drafting a listserve policy as to what types of information can and should be posted to our listserve. The committee is also looking at ways to better communicate with the association pertinent news and information.
Nominations & Elections:
Tom Ochsner, President Elect, is currently putting together next year’s ballot. If you have suggestions or are interested in running for an office, please contact Tom. My experience has taught me that you get out of it what you put into it and I have learned so much in the past year and half as President-Elect and now President.
Professional Development:
Lastly and most importantly is training. We are working on a the Support Staff Workshop to be held on October 28th at York College. At this time we have 32 registrants. the Professional Development Committee has created an agenda that will be useful to support staff.
In addition, the Professional Development Committee is offering a Fall Training to be held on November 15th at the Doane Lincoln campus. (more details will follow from PDC). Scot Davisson from the Department of Education in Kansas City will provide a workshop that covers: Gainful Employment, Verification and Satisfactory Academic Progress. Members will be able to attend a full day or half day depending on the needs of their institution.
The PDC is also planning a terrific spring conference. As a reminder, the conference is April 19-20, 2012 at Divots in Norfolk NE. We are so excited to announce that NASFAA will providing us with a trainer and will be presenting 3 sessions as well as have a booth for Question & Answers. We think this will be a great addition to this year’s conference. We hope to have a great turn out … and remember it is NeASFAA’s 45th anniversary!
In closing, just a reminder for those of you that have award-worthy colleagues, to make sure you let Erin Dineen from UNO, the Awards Committee chair, or your sector representative know. NeASFAA would like to recognize an accolade, honor, or something humorous about our colleagues.
As always, if you have any ideas you want to pass along, please feel free to share them!
My Best,
Peggy Tvrdy